Thursday, January 6, 2011

Reading Challenge

I DID IT!!!!!!!  52 (actually 58) in 52

Adams, A.: First Impressions: A Tale of Less Pride & Prejudice**+

Adams, W.: The Alexander Cipher****(1)

Adams, W.: The Exodus Quest****(2) NB: read my review of both novels on Peacock Plumes

Adams, W.: The Lost Labyrinth****(3)(Why is it that British writers do archeological mysteries/thrillers so much better than Americans?  They don't kow-tow to Christian fundies.)

Angelini, S.: The Trials of the Honorable F. Darcy *** (n.b. delightful R-rated modern rendition)

Berry, S.: The Emperor's Tomb***+

Berry, S.: The Paris Vendetta***

Bowen, R.: Her Royal Spyness***(1)

Brokaw, C: The Atlantis Code** (n.b. the production copy editing was not of the best quality; in addition, the Pieta is not in the square but is the art work for the first side altar on the right in St. Peter's -- yes, I've been there twice) I will not be reading anymore of this author's work because his hero is very unlikeable.

Caldwell, J.: Pemberley Ranch***++

Child, L.& Preston, D.: Fever Dream****

Child, L.: Death Match***

Child, L.: Terminal Freeze***

Cronin, J.: The Passage****

Cussler, C.: Lost Empire: A Fargo Adventure (#2)***

Cussler, C.: Spartan Gold***(#1 Fargo Adventure)

Cussler, C.: The Spy***(#3 Isaac Bell series)

Cussler, C.: The Wrecker*** (#2 Isaac Bell series)

Davis, L.: Nemesis****

Downie, R.: Medicus****(1)

Evanovitch, J.: Wicked Appetite***

Fairview, M.: The Darcy Cousins***+

Fairview, M.: The Other Mr. Darcy ***+

Farnsworth, C.: Blood Oath***

Ford, MT: Jane Bites Back***++

Franklin, A.: A Murderous Procession***+

Gould, J.: Greek Winds of Fury***+

Grange, A.: Mr. Darcy, Vampyre **++ (n.b. much better than I thought it would be)

Gregory, J. & Tintori, K.: The Book of Names***

Gregory, J. & Tintori, K.: The Illumination***

Hamilton, B.: A Marked Man**** (2)

Hamilton, B.: The Ninth Daughter****(1)

Harris, C.: Dead In The Family***+

Huston, C.: Already Dead***

Isaacs, S.: As Husbands Go***+

Jeffers, R.: Captain Wentworth's Persuasion ***

Jeffers, R.: Darcy's Passions ***

Jeffers, R.: Darcy's Temptation ***

Jeffers, R.: Vampyre Darcy's Desire***(NB: horrible title; actually a good story)

Kane, B.: The Forgotten Legion*****(1)

Kane, B.: The Silver Eagle(2)*****

King, S.: Duma Key***

King, S.: Under the Dome***

Knox, T.: The Genesis Secret ****

Lathan, S.: My Dearest Mr. Darcy *- (read my review at Peacock Plumes) the worst Austenesque author!

Louise, K.: Darcy's Voyage***-

Mushatt, M.A.: Darcy and the Duchess**+

Preston, D.: Impact***+

Reynolds, A.: Impulse & Initiative**

Reynolds, A.: Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy: The Last Man in the World***

Rigler, LV: Rude Awakenings of a Jane Austen Addict ****(2)

Rollins, J.: Altar of Eden***+

Sussman, P.: The Hidden Oasis*** (n.b. the worst production copy editing I have ever seen, Atlantic Monthly Press should be ashamed)

Thor, Brad: The Athena Project **

Trussoni, D.: Angelology: A Novel **+(review to follow on Peacock Plumes)

Weldon, P: Phantasm**+(3)

Winkowski MA & Foley M.: The Ice Cradle***(2)

Winkowski, MA & Foley M.: The Book of Illumination***(1)

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